Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Exercise - Training Weeks 1-4

I’m compulsive. I’m not consistent. And thus for the last year I refused to get off my tush and really do any kind of consistent exercise. But I’m ready. Really? Well only time can tell.

This is what I plan to do, remember me telling you I’m compulsive? Well I also do it 200% or nothing so-.

Prepare for the Spartan Beast. Sure. Because we all know I can run 13+ miles with 20+ obstacles with no problem right now. Ha. But next year June 29th 2013? Hopefully. Can I convince anyone to join me, we can start a team? It will be so easy, they have people carry you. You won't get dirty at all, and the obstacles are like here is some legos make something cool with them. Okay I'm a little liar. Didn't know that? Then you have not known me long ask my sister she'll tell you all about me in the olden days.


The Spartan Races are super tough. You'll probably cry, you might bleed and you'll want to give up. You for sure will be filthy, hot and want to die. Death would be easier. I love every thing about this race. It's your mind against the race. I can do it. My husband will, maybe my sister if I can get her here from Washington because she'd probably carry you if you asked that's how freaking awesome she is. Anyways.

Can I be consistent? Well when pigs fly but I do have the best intentions. P90X. What could be easier? Nothing. Well that is much, much easier. Hopefully I DO something.

Let’s see if I actually do what I intend. P90X for 90 days. That's the plan. From 90+ days we will talk about what's next? Run every day. I can do that. Strength training AND running? Well we shall. Dear sister can you get us there?

Sister aka Chelsea will help come up with our training. Our eating. I'll have her post some basic needs to put into our food regimen. NOT diet. Those don't work. No this is a "life change" just eat a little better. Have more of your carbs from veggies. Eat a little carbs, fats and protein together. Can I eat a chocolate? Yes. Can I have a treat? Yes. Can I eat a whole gallon of Ice cream? Well... If you want to get sick. Really you could if your willing to get those calories off yourself after and it's hard hard hard work to do. So yes. But no.

The workouts:

P90X Weeks 1-3 and 4.
I'm doing classic. You can get the P90X program DVD's at most libraries. The problem with that is you have 1 week per DVD and you basically need all of them every week. So you can borrow them from the library or buy them used or new online for pretty cheap.
Phase 1ClassicDoublesLeans
Weeks 1~3
Day 1Chest & Back, Ab Ripper XChest & Back, Ab Ripper XCore Synergistics
Day 2Plyometrics PlyometricsCardio X 
Day 3Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper XShoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper XShoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X
Day 4Yoga XYoga XYoga X
Day 5Legs & Back, Ab Ripper XLegs & Back, Ab Ripper XLegs & Back, Ab Ripper X
Day 6Kenpo X Kenpo XKenpo X
Day 7Rest or X StretchRest or X StretchRest or X Stretch
Week 4
Day 1Yoga XYoga XYoga X
Day 2Core Synergistics Core SynergisticsCore Synergistics
Day 3Kenpo XKenpo XKenpo X
Day 4X Stretch X StretchX Stretch
Day 5Core SynergisticsCore SynergisticsCore Synergistics
Day 6Yoga X Yoga XYoga X
Day 7Rest or X StretchRest or X StretchRest or X Stretch
Calories. Yuk. It's a bad word really. I think I'll wash my mouth out. But darn it we need help. So let's use

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Oh the bane of existence, shopping for shoes

"Socks and shoes on eldest" I say as I corraling the other two munchkins into the car. It's my day to carpool so we have to leave early. I turn and look as Celes "eldest" is slipping on the rattyest worn through shoes on. What the!@#.

"They are all I have mom" eldest says catching my gapeing at her run down shoes.

"Oh my well I'll get you shoes today after school." famous last words.

Really that was cruel. The soles where half off one shoe, though I'm sure they were not that bad yesterday. Were they? Well I HATE shoe shopping.

After school eldest reminds me about her pitiful shoes and oh they look so terrible. I drop off the carpool kiddos and head to famous footwear. No sales, no coupons. I just need shoes. They have maybe a dozen shoes to pick from which I find both stupid and a blessing at the same time. Eldest is too- picky for my tastes.

She falls in love with the sketchers lite-up twinkle toes. Hefty price for me of $35 but no fighting so I agree. We grab her a pair of running shoes for $20 so she can have two pairs of shoes.

Then before I know it my 4 year old Chloe whom I call "middelest" and my tiny 2 year old Cami "littlest" have the same matching pairs clutched in there little hands. How can I say no? I do, my littlest bawls like her daddy died. My 4 year old reminds me neither of them have shoes that fit. How true. I HATE shoe shopping. So We left with 4 pairs of shoes and one on order coming in the mail for "middlest" since the pair she had so lovingly clutched was not her size.

The end. Well I wish it was the end.

As we are heading out of the store my eldest starts freaking out. This always happens shoe shopping with her. Thus I HATE shopping for shoes. She HATES her new shoes. They are slipping off. They are too big. They don't feel good. I can't run fast in them. So we return her brand new uber cool shoes and try on another pair.

I HATE them mom they hurt my feet. No mom those hurt too. Those are not cool. Littlest meanwhile tears through the isle that we are on like a mini hurricane. So many boxes are open I can't see the floor. I'm constanly cleaning up after her because I need her to be happy. So I keep cleaning hearing all the excuses of why this shoe sucks and that shoes ugly.

I'm losing my sanity in a hurry so, well I pick up a pair of shoes have her try them on. They are the first shoes I picked for her when we came in the first time. She LOVES them now. They make her run fast, they make her look stylish, they make her taller. [All her words] I buy them and blitz out of the store littlest in my right arm, middlest's hand held firmly in my left. I want to leave BEFORE eldest changes her mind again.

She still loves them. It's been a few hours and I'm hoping tomorrow I won't have to reminder her they make her run fast, look stylish, taller and all that. But for now all three kids have shoes to wear and thus look less homeless than they did before. Just barely.

They do take their hair things out which makes one look like einstein and the other just look crazy with her wild mane of hair. Littlest has been caught in the last three store outings without pants. Where did they go? She had them on when we got in the car. Yep gone. Well I find them later under the car seat or in the back. Her and her dang pants.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Exercise really?

I’m compulsive. I’m not consistent. And thus for the last 6 months I refused to get off my tush and really do any kind of consistent exercise. But I’m ready. Really? Well only time can tell.

This is what I plan to do, remember me telling you I’m compulsive? Well I also do it 200% or nothing so-.

Run every day. I can do that.

Well when pigs fly but I do have the best intentions. P90X as well BOTH at the same time? Well sure why not? P90X in the morning and Run at night. What could be easier? Nothing. Well that is much, much easier. Hopefully I DO something.

Let’s see if I actually do what I intend. If anything I will do the running at minimum.

Anyone else fed up with their body; feel free to join me in this routine. If you’re a woman neighbor (And you know if you are) feel free to join me in person. I want to do P90X BEFORE my kids get up in the morning so that is REALLY early to me like 5:45 or so. It’s an hour long. You’d be home before 7 am. Which is about when my kids wake up.

I DO have a Gold’s Gym membership so I can take my kiddos there and run on a treadmill anytime. Or perhaps if it’s not too hot jog/walk with them in the late morning.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Nap Time

I'm cleaning. I need the house clean, and my baby Cami [18 months old] was crying. I asked her if she wanted a nap and she disappeared. Good I scared her off now I can continue cleaning I thought. Ha. Then she was crying louder.

Well how frustrating I think. I pull my hands out of the sink, and dry my hands on the towel. "What are you crying about littlest?" I say walking towards the crying.

I find her in her room, trying her best to climb into the crib.

"You want a nap?" I say completly suprised.

"Mmm Hmm" says baby Cami.

I pick her up and put her in her crib she cuddles with her pillow and blankets and giggles.

Nap time. How wonderful. Is she not so cute?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

children are priceless

Between their creative play aka destruction of property I have learned to love each moment. It really is funny, so why should I get so mad? That is what I am working on, I think even the nicest, best Mothers and Father's out there feel this way.

Prime example;
"Bath time is done can you empty the tub?" I say to my 4 and 6 year old.

"Yes" they agree.

A few moments later I hear the shower running, "Good they drained the tub and decided to shower instead..." I think to myself.

As I enter the bathroom, the thought I had before is proven wrong. In fact it becomes quite clear they where not showering. They had gotten out of the bathtub to put their clothing on just to sit back in the overflowing tub, with the shower running.

"What are you doing?" I ask

"I'm sorry mom, but our clothes are dirty" My 4 and 6 year old answer.

Ha. Looking back I see it's funny. I was truly dumbfounded. But why they are 4 and 6 why think they are older. I wish now I had jumped in the tub with them. Maybe next time.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

our little family

Celes Marie Brinton July 2nd 2006, held by her proud grandmother LaVada Brinton.

This is our new home which we painted from top to bottom.. Not a good thing. Dave's Brother Doug, and two sisters Amanda and Vanessa are all here to help out. Dave's parents are behind the scenes of course working their fingers to the bone as Amanda so fondly says.

Chloe Anara Brinton April 28th 2006, held by her sister Celes.

Cami LaVada Joy Brinton, yes she is wearing green, girls can like dinosaurs to. Surrounded by her siblings Celes and Chloe.

the brinton wight family

Here is the bare facts about this past decade.

Dave and I were married July 26th 2001 In the Mt Timpanogos Temple.

Early 2002 we found a lot in west valley and had a home built. In August or so we moved in, it was a beautiful home. It was a multi-level. Enough said.

Celes was born July 2nd 2003. 3.5 hours of labor, induced and I still had her with out pain medication. 6 lbs 9 ounces and 19.5 inches long. Such a sweet little spirit. How blessed I was. And how totally fried my body was for months after. I was like a living zombie, but I had a cute little daughter so- all is well.

In 2005 we felt that we had to move. It was then that started looking. After looking for near a year we found a new build spot in the Herriman/Riverton area. Loved it. Started building it early 2006.

Chloe was born April 28th 2006. 7 lbs. ? ounces. 19.5 inches long. Beautiful baby girl number two. 2.5 hours of labor, induced no pain medication. I was extremely happy. When Grandma asked Celes what Chloe looked like Celes said "She's red and sounds like "Waaa-waaah"" we still laugh at that comment.

May 2006 We moved into Dave's parents house. 2 weeks later moved into an apartment. Three months later we moved into our new home. NO MORE MOVING. That was not fun.

Cami was born November 5th 2008. 8 lbs 2 ounces. 1.5 hours of labor, induced and no pain medication. Was the easiest labor but my poor baby had such a hard time with how fast she was born, her whole face was bruised and the whites of her eyes were red. She is my most calm peaceful baby. Slept and still sleeps through the night from 3 weeks on.

No more babies. Have not moved. And well life is just sort of peaceful here. Dave had worked as a developer at Xango for about 5 years and I get to be a stay at home mommy.

I do occasionally do some sort of design on the side. Right now I use all my creative artistic energy in church in my calling as a second counselor in the primary presidency.

I also have been writing, as I do in fazes. It's a Sci-Fi Fantasy novel. Lots of crazy, fast action along with many plot twists. Fun. Maybe in the next year or two I will be finished and I will be an author? If not I enjoy writing so I'll keep it up anyways.

I also have been working out a lot lately. As much women do that have babies, many many babies. It has renewed my dream of being an aerobics/personal trainer. I would very much like to be that as well in a year or two. Huh I can dream you know!

My sister Chelsea is a Personal Trainer (Duh I know about time huh) She works for 24 the one that's off the trax line near 52nd in Portland I think.

I'm still in Utah. And though I am making my home and yard a paradise I still miss Oregon. I always will.

Ahh speaking of which my father Duane Wight still lives in the same place I was raised in. Same phone number. Our home there has not changed much in the past 20 or so years. Longer really but if I say so then you'll remember I am old and well a girl is suppose to care about that no? He looks a little older but it's still him. Stop by sometime, and pay him a visit he'd remember you who ever you are from my past. He always was friendly and well that has not changed either.