Thursday, May 20, 2010

children are priceless

Between their creative play aka destruction of property I have learned to love each moment. It really is funny, so why should I get so mad? That is what I am working on, I think even the nicest, best Mothers and Father's out there feel this way.

Prime example;
"Bath time is done can you empty the tub?" I say to my 4 and 6 year old.

"Yes" they agree.

A few moments later I hear the shower running, "Good they drained the tub and decided to shower instead..." I think to myself.

As I enter the bathroom, the thought I had before is proven wrong. In fact it becomes quite clear they where not showering. They had gotten out of the bathtub to put their clothing on just to sit back in the overflowing tub, with the shower running.

"What are you doing?" I ask

"I'm sorry mom, but our clothes are dirty" My 4 and 6 year old answer.

Ha. Looking back I see it's funny. I was truly dumbfounded. But why they are 4 and 6 why think they are older. I wish now I had jumped in the tub with them. Maybe next time.

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