"Socks and shoes on eldest" I say as I corraling the other two munchkins into the car. It's my day to carpool so we have to leave early. I turn and look as Celes "eldest" is slipping on the rattyest worn through shoes on. What the!@#.
"They are all I have mom" eldest says catching my gapeing at her run down shoes.
"Oh my well I'll get you shoes today after school." famous last words.
Really that was cruel. The soles where half off one shoe, though I'm sure they were not that bad yesterday. Were they? Well I HATE shoe shopping.
After school eldest reminds me about her pitiful shoes and oh they look so terrible. I drop off the carpool kiddos and head to famous footwear. No sales, no coupons. I just need shoes. They have maybe a dozen shoes to pick from which I find both stupid and a blessing at the same time. Eldest is too- picky for my tastes.
She falls in love with the sketchers lite-up twinkle toes. Hefty price for me of $35 but no fighting so I agree. We grab her a pair of running shoes for $20 so she can have two pairs of shoes.
Then before I know it my 4 year old Chloe whom I call "middelest" and my tiny 2 year old Cami "littlest" have the same matching pairs clutched in there little hands. How can I say no? I do, my littlest bawls like her daddy died. My 4 year old reminds me neither of them have shoes that fit. How true. I HATE shoe shopping. So We left with 4 pairs of shoes and one on order coming in the mail for "middlest" since the pair she had so lovingly clutched was not her size.
The end. Well I wish it was the end.
As we are heading out of the store my eldest starts freaking out. This always happens shoe shopping with her. Thus I HATE shopping for shoes. She HATES her new shoes. They are slipping off. They are too big. They don't feel good. I can't run fast in them. So we return her brand new uber cool shoes and try on another pair.
I HATE them mom they hurt my feet. No mom those hurt too. Those are not cool. Littlest meanwhile tears through the isle that we are on like a mini hurricane. So many boxes are open I can't see the floor. I'm constanly cleaning up after her because I need her to be happy. So I keep cleaning hearing all the excuses of why this shoe sucks and that shoes ugly.
I'm losing my sanity in a hurry so, well I pick up a pair of shoes have her try them on. They are the first shoes I picked for her when we came in the first time. She LOVES them now. They make her run fast, they make her look stylish, they make her taller. [All her words] I buy them and blitz out of the store littlest in my right arm, middlest's hand held firmly in my left. I want to leave BEFORE eldest changes her mind again.
She still loves them. It's been a few hours and I'm hoping tomorrow I won't have to reminder her they make her run fast, look stylish, taller and all that. But for now all three kids have shoes to wear and thus look less homeless than they did before. Just barely.
They do take their hair things out which makes one look like einstein and the other just look crazy with her wild mane of hair. Littlest has been caught in the last three store outings without pants. Where did they go? She had them on when we got in the car. Yep gone. Well I find them later under the car seat or in the back. Her and her dang pants.
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