Friday, June 25, 2010

Nap Time

I'm cleaning. I need the house clean, and my baby Cami [18 months old] was crying. I asked her if she wanted a nap and she disappeared. Good I scared her off now I can continue cleaning I thought. Ha. Then she was crying louder.

Well how frustrating I think. I pull my hands out of the sink, and dry my hands on the towel. "What are you crying about littlest?" I say walking towards the crying.

I find her in her room, trying her best to climb into the crib.

"You want a nap?" I say completly suprised.

"Mmm Hmm" says baby Cami.

I pick her up and put her in her crib she cuddles with her pillow and blankets and giggles.

Nap time. How wonderful. Is she not so cute?

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